Zenit RK-3 Pistol Grip

While inspired by the real Zenit RK-3 some aspects were taken from the version used in the game Escape from Tarkov, primarily the indent for the thumb as the one on the real RK-3 looks weirdly small to me and I personally prefer the wider indent.

This assset was not made for a project but rather while testing the application of a recently aquired addon to my Blender workflow. The primary addons in my current workflow have been Hard Ops, Box Cutter, and UV Packmaster 2. While there are many others most of those are situational. The recently aquired addon is Quad Remesher as such I wanted to do some high to low workflow using a high amount of subdiv on the high-poly, and a relatively optimized while still detailed low-poly.

If you would like to see the wireframe, the marmoset viewer will allow you to inspect all attributes of the model.

Time spent on asset: ~1 hour
Tri Count: 3038

April 14, 2023